Monday, October 20, 2008


So, I just want to vent a bit....I'm overworked, underpaid, and (much to my disliking) newly single. I've been trying to make it all work...but it looks like it's been too much. I fucked the relationship to hell, and all I can seem to do is work. I don't do anything fun, so I guess it's time to just start saying fuck it (mostly to sleep I guess) and just go out and be silly.

I need to meet some people, shake my ass a bit, be crazy...I'm in San Fran, right?

...I dunno, I just wanted me and this boy to work out, I felt like we could, but he has no reason to believe that, and it's not fair to make him wait. I think I may have lost out on the one guy who has been the best to me...o well, I would screw up something good...

...well, like he said, if it was meant to be, right?

ok..time to go to class and get it together..

the sartor

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