Thursday, June 5, 2008

I promise myself..

...that I'm gonna do better.

I put myself in a cycle which I know I need to get out of...well a few cycles...

So, today, I'm blogging this to let myself(and the rest of the world, I guess) that its time to break these cycles. I heard on the radio this morning (while commuting) that if you need something, you gotta speak on it, and this is not the first time...I've been lying around, waiting, but I'm gonna speak on it...

  • I'm going to make it thru this summer...happily
  • I'm going to safely and comfortabley make it to San Francisco
  • I'm going to find a job, both here and in San Francisco, that I am happy with
  • I'm going to meet wonderful and amazing friends in San Fran.
  • I'll be happy and successful
  • I'll keep in touch with my friends here
  • Lastly(and most important to me) I'll find love out there and keep it this time..
That's my list!
Let's see how things play out, shall we!

the Sartor

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