Monday, June 2, 2008

Rock Bottom...

...means you can only go up.

I'm in the stage of depression where you just start to feel a little better, so you can get into trouble...and no I don't mean suicide silly, I mean where I do things that put me in a worse position, like listen to the wrong music, or talk to the wrong people...

..i've been having a hard summer, having still not really started working (I had a job that didn't work out, so I'm on the hunt, if u have any suggestions.) I'm also going thru a lot of emotional changes..some romantic, some friend, some family, some internal, all intense, having hit me at once.
I am just ready to go...but the more and more I reflect on what is happening, I am realizing that I need to learn patience...I mean, I knew that already, but everything this summer, is a waiting game...waiting for my friends to get back to me...waiting to hear back from jobs, waiting to find out what is going on with men in my life, waiting for the right time to say how I feel...waiting for the next step...

...and anyone who knows me, knows I am not very good at waiting for much of anything..

so I guess I'll learn...but its not an easy process...but it seems that nothing in life that is worthwhile is...

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