Friday, June 27, 2008

Is a letter enough?

I wonder if I am being dramatic, or trying to live my life like a movie, or what...and I need some outside opinion, so this is a post that I'd like some response to...

I am emotionally holding onto someone...and I have been working on letting go, but I need to wrap it up mentally, before I can move on..literally and, I'm wondering if a letter is a good choice..

I feel like I need to wrap it up, and speak my piece, for my own mental sake. I know otherwise, I won't get the closure I need...and I need more than any other time in this case...

the reason I don't feel like I can have the conversation in person is that 1) I will get emotional, and not be clear or say what I need to, and 2) I am afraid I will lose the ground I have gained in moving on by physically seeing him...which also means I'd deliver the note and go...

but my instinct tells me that this is a bit of a cop out...yet it is a necessary one...i just don't kno....

comments welcome and appreciated!



Unknown said...

It seems you might have answered your own question with stating why you want to do it in this manner. I feel like a letter is perfectly acceptable at this point. In this day and age an email would be the same but a letter may do more for you because it is often more of a release to write it out on paper. I think that if it would be too hard to do it in person and if doing it in person would take you backwards in the ground you have gained than you have to do what is best for you regardless what the other person thinks is acceptable. So yes the letter should be fine especially if it is best for you. I do not think that it is a cop out. This way you will have time to think about what you want to say and say it clearly and outright. Doing it in person you run the risk of having the conversation move where you do not want it to move and that would not be good. You could also run the risk of not saying everything you want to say or the way you want to say it.

Always do what is best for you. I would say to go for it.


The Sartor said...

thanks Anthony...I mean, I normally am very logical as you know, but I am anxious to act on this one, because I am afraid that this is a final it will be the end all of my relationship with him...and I need to tread lightly..